How do I register my sheep?
When you purchase sheep registered in the Australian Flock Register, you will be invited to join the Australian Stud Sheep Breeders Association Ltd.(ASSBA) Membership to that association, which is separate from membership to the Australian Wiltshire Horn Sheepbreeders Association (AWHSA) will give you access to the Association-sponsored shows and sales and will enable you to make use of the ASSBA’s records of flocks, breeding, recording of pedigrees etc.
All stud sheep that you purchase must have the change of ownership registered with the ASSBA. All sheep that you wish to sell as stud sheep must have their pedigrees registered with the ASSBA, and you must have registered your flock with them. All sheep that are shown must be registered stud sheep.
If you purchase sheep from a flock that is not a registered stud flock, or purchase sheep that are not registered with the ASSBA, they can never become stud sheep later.
Once you are yourself a member of the ASSBA you will be able to in turn register sheep you breed that meet the AWHSA Standard (as presented in the Flock Book). Note we do not support the registration of Appendix Flocks - neither non-stud ( or 'commercial') purebred sheep, nor crossbred sheep, can ever be upgraded to become stud sheep.